Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Weird Random Thing

Jason sat on the tree branch his arms dangling by his sides. He looked down at the branch that he was sitting on and thought, the tree he was sitting in would eventually be cut down and then maybe it would be crafted into a chair and maybe he would even sit in that chair as he was sitting in the tree now.

A red leaf fell from the branches cutting through the chilly fall air. He sat and sat until the edges of the world softened and everything merged together into one thing, but what that thing was he did not know.

He leaned forward so he could get a better look at the thing and as he did he fell out of the tree and plunged toward the frozen ground.

He fell through the ground but at the same time it felt to him as if he was rising, or was he falling? He could not tell.

Around him was a cyclone of red, yellow, and russet leaves. All spinning around him like a giant whirling cloak.

But now he was moving and this time he knew he was falling. He fell and fell and he saw many strange things but none were important and he didn’t remember any of them.

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